Saturday, May 22, 2010
getting older????
arghhhh.......noooooooooooo....tajutnya menjadi tua..i'm still young..early twenty but why??!! tangan aku urat da kua banyak..macam membanting pdi plak..berurat-urat..terkejut aku tengok..dulu tak macam ni dan aku mulalah sebab aku dok typing..hehe..(nak sedapkan hati) gusi pun dah makin pendek means gigiku semakin memanjang..owhhh noo!!! takutnya menjadi tua..kan best balik ke zaman kanak-kanak..gheeeee
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
sape-sape suka perfumed? or addicted to perfumed?? or suka kumpul perfumed?? m i one of those?hurm..may be kot..but the best of the best perfumed that i still remember the smell
1.elizabeth arden interlude(limited)-yang ni memang sexy habis the smell..i likee
2.bvlgari omnia-soft and yet sexy
3.bvlgari(1st edition kot now,cari tak jumpa dah)-
4.DKNY be delicious (yang ni best time teenagers je..dah beranak ni tak minat la bau yang strong macam ni)
5.vera wang princess-using it now
6.max mara-yang ni pun susah nak jumpa-smell sooooooooooooo sexy yummy
and bvlgari rose essential..(dapat sample and try it out and suka sangat bau nya yang romantika ittew..)
dan perfumed yang sampai skang ada lagi tapi tak habis
1.escada paradise
3.CK euphoria-hubby bagi time becintan dulu(tapi tak berapa suka la the smell..too flowerishhhhh)
4.lacoste-pun tak suka pasal macam bunga2 sangat baunya
5.chacarel promisse-ada lagi separuh
6.antonio banderas-beli kat JJ dulu tapi skng tak suka bau
7.JLO glow limited edition-(hubby beli kat us dulu)-bau pun tak sodap..macam bau alcohol + minyak angin
dan about perfumed yang aku tak boleh lupa : my pure white linen estee lauder 100ml pecah!!! sedih tau..baru spray tak sampai 10 x..seminggu gak la aku trauma..(hehe..ntah pape)
dari high school pun blajar pakai perfumed avon..huahaha..yang masih aku ingat la kan..women of earth,little black dress,pur blanca,-rasanya sume perfumed avon aku penah try dulu kat sekolah..dah habis sekolah tukar la plak..hehe..
al-kisah..time kat kolej dulu perfumed aku tak sampai dua bulan je habis..(minum ke ape perfume tuh?) tu yang mak aku slalu bising ntah ape aku buat dengan duit..hehe..bukan makan ye bu duit itteww..
now aku tengah nak setia pada yang satu or dua..hehe..tak mo dah main ghedah beli perfumed..i'm stick to one..BVLGARI.... here i comeee.....kopak aku weh..
p/s : vera wang princess ada lagi satu perfumed baru launch.. vera wang princess charming kot..aku pun tak hengat ape name nye..tapi isi nya seakan-akan color orange kot coz yang princess nye color purple..
dosa pakai perfume kalau nak tarik perhatian @ niat tak baik..tapi daku pakai sebab ape ha??kalau tak wangi tuh rasa macam busuk..----------- stupid !!
ni aje yang masih ku simpan..lain-lain??
sudah ku buang pasal menyemakkan pandangan mataku..
kantoi plak meja berhabuk..~lalalalalalala
aku suka simpan botol tapi....ruang yang tidak
tak de masa????
ingatkan sabtu lepas nak pegi ISETAN sale..warghhh....masyuk tuh sale nye..tapi ada class kan..tu pun aku pegi half day je pasal tak da orang nak jaga anak aku..hubby ade hal..mak aku plak balik rumah akak aku..ada relatives nak datang..(kira turun padang la..bukan mak aku yang masak pown..huhu) so nak tak nak kena la balik jugak..tak pe la..bukan saja2 pun ponteng..pastu ingat dah alang2 ponteng tu nak gak menyengkit ke KLCC..tapi dengan anak aku yang tak berapa nak sihat..dengan meragam(nak tumbuh gigi geraham rasanya) so aku bantutkan hajat ittew..langsung rehat je kat rumah..bukan rehat mane pun..aku basuh segala menda dalam toy room..cuci playmate foam dia..jemur lagi..susun toys dia..mop lagi..haish..berpeluh-peluh..sapu rumah..(i'm not perfectionist person) tapi rasa tak selesa kaki ni..nak tanya la kawan-kawan aku ni malas ke sapu rumah guna vacum???hahaha...malas la guna penyapu pasal orang rabun ni bila sapu rasa bersih je..bila pakai spec langsung nampak habuk tinggal sana rambut tinggal sini..tu yang amik jalan pintas aku guna vacum..aku kalau boleh hari-hari nak mop rumah..pasal apa?? pasal anak aku every time makan nak suap bayangkan betapa disaster nye lantai..rasa melekit-lekit even dah lap dengan kain basah..esoknya (ahad) ada sports day..penat woo..tu yang dah berapa hari tak update blog..(klu update pun bukan orang baca..hihi)lagi pun sabtu tu BIL datang rumah dengan anak2 nya..hubby ku takde..dia ke penang ada koje..aku tak masak pun..apegi kua makan dengan t'y all..balik rumah da malam..anak aku pun bukan ramai sedara..balik belah hubby jarang..tunggu raya atau kenduri kendara..kalau belah aku memang selalu pasal ye la kan..area K.L @ subang..pusing sana pusing sini tang tu jugak sampai (pi mai pi mai tang tu)..anak aku malam tu macam lost.aku risau tengok die camtu..kot inernal problem ke ape.. malam dorang main sampai 12 lebih..aku mata dah kelat pasal otak cair pegi class pagi tadi..huhu..tido malam tu boleh plak terlajak..aiseh..buat malu kaum je..nasib depa sporting..siap beli breakfast..aku baru plan nak buat nasi goreng pagi tu,roti telur and goreng2 drummet..tapi meleset plak..aiyookk...(hehe..minta maaf ye k.cah..minta maaf ye bang..lain kali tak buat lagi) jeng..jeng.jeng..aku dengan muka kelat dan slumber tersengih macam kerang busyuk..
dalam pukul 12 tu aku call kak ili..ingat nak tumpang die je ke stadium.malas nak bawak keta sorang2.kang tak pasal tak sampai ke destinasi.hubby plak call cakap tunggu..dia on the way back from penang.kira dia nak hantar aku..aku risau kot lambat nanti kena marah dengan bos..(al-maklum la kita ni employee kan..)
memang sampai pun aku lambat 15minit..muka masing-masing slenge..time sports tu punya lah penat dengan tak dapat minum..aku pikir m i a slave for you(lagu britney spears)..aku macam nak pitam..bibir aku pucat..(low BP) tapi arah2 tu arah2 ni..aku sabo je lagi pasal ye suma experience..must learn kalau tak mane nak tau nanti..habis around 5..kot esok turn aku plak run kindergarten,dapat cikgu2 yang macam aku tak ke naya..hehe..
ta ta ti ti tu tu
dalam pukul 12 tu aku call kak ili..ingat nak tumpang die je ke stadium.malas nak bawak keta sorang2.kang tak pasal tak sampai ke destinasi.hubby plak call cakap tunggu..dia on the way back from penang.kira dia nak hantar aku..aku risau kot lambat nanti kena marah dengan bos..(al-maklum la kita ni employee kan..)
memang sampai pun aku lambat 15minit..muka masing-masing slenge..time sports tu punya lah penat dengan tak dapat minum..aku pikir m i a slave for you(lagu britney spears)..aku macam nak pitam..bibir aku pucat..(low BP) tapi arah2 tu arah2 ni..aku sabo je lagi pasal ye suma experience..must learn kalau tak mane nak tau nanti..habis around 5..kot esok turn aku plak run kindergarten,dapat cikgu2 yang macam aku tak ke naya..hehe..
ta ta ti ti tu tu
Sunday, May 16, 2010
and the winner iss..........................................
aisehh...susah la nak annouce sape pemenangnya..sume cute miut..tapi para bloggers adat la kan menang ke kalah..lain kali boleh cuba lagi..dan gambar yang paling saya suka......
sila email kan:
dengan rasminya...
maka..dengan ini diumumkan contest anak makan sayur telah ditutup..(ingat nak pospon lagi tapi lama sangat kang boring plak orang menunggu..sambutan tak memberangsangkan betul..haish..tak kisah least ada orang join dari tak da langsung..)ku dah tengok suma pixs nya..sangat2 la kiutttt....geram je..nanti ye para contestant..akan ku umukan siapa pemenangnya.....
susah betul nak buat contest ni
alamak !!! susah jugak nak buat contest ni. ye la nak kena buat entry betul2.mane boleh main hentam saje..
ingat nak buat contest anak tengah makan sayur..tapikan nak kena edit itu la edit ini la..adoi..mane ada masa nak buat.alamatnya amik masa berminggu la..sibuk keja lagi , sibuk kelas lagi tapi ade hati nak berblogger..haih.. macam2 info boleh saya dapat tru blogger. tapi....paham2 je la..da buka blog itu ini dok rambang mata tengok itu la tengok ini la..kisah yang sedih , yang kelakar, yang gembira...macam2 ada.. tujuan buat contest ni pun sebab nak ramaikan kawan2 la..saya ni baru setahun jagung dalam dunia blogger ni.kadang2 minta pendapat dan pandangan tapi no feedback..hehe kesian tak bunyi nya..dari segi penyusuan la dan macam2 lagi.mungkin sebab page saya tak cantik tapi da memang tak gheti nak cantikkan..saya ni agak buta IT. so,kawan2 blogger sekalian tajuk contest saya dah bagi..ape dia??
anak makan sayur
- mesti lah attachkan gamba anak anda sedang makan sayur
- kalau boleh makanan dari rumah ( no outside food )
- sayur kegemaran anak anda
- sape yang suka makan sayur....ibu @ ayah (kira nak tau menurun dari sapa ni.hehe )
- umur antara 1-3tahun
- tak perlu jadi follower.just jengah2 kejap je pun tak pe =)
- tarikh tutup 16 may
sertakan nama anak nama ibu / ayah
tarikh lahir anak
gambar yang dipilih
dan hadiahnya ialah : estee lauder lipgloss
can be choose either one..this is an original estee lauder lipgloss ok.but this is blockbuster set which is the lipgloss smaller than yang jual by pieces..
Friday, May 14, 2010
akhirnya dah sampai juga..
ni dia barang yang ku nantikan..kini sudah tiba..dah basuh nanti tunggu masa pakai..yehaaa...
(no more dispo pad also..) lalalalalala....-nyanyi senang hati. lalalalala
the pad are so gojess..rasa geram nak pakai..m i crazy???!!yes..a lil bit..
dan..inilah gambarnya..tak pandai amik gamba lagipon guna camera ceponet pun..
tak la yang gabak mahai tu..hehe
night pad
heavy pad
day pad
boleh la usha2 tengok2 kat snexy pad..the texture sgt comfy..
kalau ok pasni nak try yang lain la pulok..
lagi satu barang..
kat expo mom n baby tu aku mencari2 tercari apa salahku.. soapnut..
aku dengan hampanya tidak menjumpai walau seketul nut pun..haiyyakk...cano nak go green nih..
so dengan keterpaksaan terpaksa jugalah aku beli sabun ngetopp
bile la dapat merasa pakai soapnut nih..
da berangan cuci pinggan,cuci baju,shampoo anak aku,sabun badan sume pakai soapnut..haih..
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
new blog
rakan2 sekalian..disini saya nak ini kain cotton menjual pelbagai kain cotton high quality..sila2 lah jenguk ya..dan ini juga merupakan pertama kali saya mencuba / menceburi dunia online business..silalah bagi support..sekian..wassalam..
pegi juga ekspo mom's and baby..
last2 aku pegi jugak ekspo mami n baby tu..dari taun ke taun aku sememangnya nak pegi cuma keadaan tak dapat peluang,pegi la..aku dengan anak aku berdua je..mula-2 drive sampai LRT station..pastu naik lrt ke KL CENTRAL. pastu dari situ ke MID VALLEY..alah,satu station je..orang pelik nape aku suka naik public transport..yes...i likeeee..kalau drive sendiri sudah pastinya sampai melebihi waktu yang sepatotnya..paham-paham je la..dengan sesat barat..aku ni memang tersangat lemah ingatan tang jalan nih..huahaha..tapi suka drive sendiri..bebas mau kemana sahaja..okeh, kira first time aku bawak anak aku naik public transprt ni..hubby tak bagi tapi bukan die boleh bawak aku pegi menenggek lama2 kat mid valley..hehe..sampai2 je aku ghedah ke ekspo tersebut..expectation aku teramat la tinggi tapi tak sampai sasaran..tak de ape sangat pun..mostly barang baby girl..and barang tak la semurah yang disangkakan..(aku ni kaki sale..hahaha) pantang ada sale sana sini pasti aku kepochi..tapi duit tak de banyak pun..ade duit aku pegi..tarak duit dok diam2..aku amik goodies beg..(yang ni mesti) barang free tu weh..sape tak suka barang free..tak de ape pun aku beli.just tengok2 breast pump medela , cloth pad brand mama patch..bukan aku tak nak beli tapi aku tunggu cloth pad aku sampai..da la aku beli banyak.takkan nak beli lagi..lagi pun kat ekspo tu bukan ada diskaun hebat..aku tang rege memang handal la(hubby yang gelarkan)
dan..ini lah hasilnya...
dan..ini lah hasilnya...
beli susu ni dapat...
ni free..!!yeay..!
aku mintak photo frame tapi aunty tu baik bagi t-shirt..
tu plak beg kecik..ntah ape aku nak isi pun tak tau.
dapat amik gambar free..
aku beli my eco nappy..macam dispo jugak tapi eco-friendly..
bawak CD jalan2 dan boleh pakai ni..da pakai langsung buang..
goodies beg nye....
baby girl bib..sape ada baby girl angkat tangan..?!!
last sekali aku beli grolier punya buku..satu set tu mahal..tapi aku bayar bulan2..huahaha..
Thursday, May 6, 2010
ekspo mami and baby
wah..macam best je ekspo nih..waa...nak pegi..nak pegi...kat mid valley dari 7 may hingga 9 may..yang best tu ada macam-macam contest , forum , info yang menarik..goodies bag pun ada..menarik ni..booth barangan pun banyak jugak.gatal la tangan ni.haish.duit owh duit turunlah dari langit.aku nak shopping kat ekspo mami baby..hurm..
ada lucky draw and yang paling gempak sekali hari ahad pukul 7.30 cabutan bertuah hari ibu..excited nye aku..harap tak de aral melintang la.kalau aku pakai credit card aku dah gesek-gesek dah..hehe..
jom ibu-ibu dan bakal ibu mari kita meriahkan lagi ekspo mami and baby kat mid valley
jumaat : aku keja..ingat nak mintak cuti la..tapi ape bos kate nanti?macam sellfish je aku..tapi ekspo ni setahun sekali.last year aku tak dapat g.pasal ape pun aku tak ingat..kali ni memang dah berkobar2 nak g
sabtu : haih..kelas plak..takkan nak escape clas..bayo mahal2 nak skip plak.bukan la tak aci tapi ilmu tuh..mane aku nak korek pasal lecture sekali bukan boleh datang kat kita dok kol2 ke..t'y are dato' datin,prof madya bagai..mano ado maso..arghh....buntu!!
ahad : ni la hari cuti nan indah dirumah..ponek plak kalau merayau tapi nak jugakkkkkk.....
wat shud i do??
ada lucky draw and yang paling gempak sekali hari ahad pukul 7.30 cabutan bertuah hari ibu..excited nye aku..harap tak de aral melintang la.kalau aku pakai credit card aku dah gesek-gesek dah..hehe..
jom ibu-ibu dan bakal ibu mari kita meriahkan lagi ekspo mami and baby kat mid valley
jumaat : aku keja..ingat nak mintak cuti la..tapi ape bos kate nanti?macam sellfish je aku..tapi ekspo ni setahun sekali.last year aku tak dapat g.pasal ape pun aku tak ingat..kali ni memang dah berkobar2 nak g
sabtu : haih..kelas plak..takkan nak escape clas..bayo mahal2 nak skip plak.bukan la tak aci tapi ilmu tuh..mane aku nak korek pasal lecture sekali bukan boleh datang kat kita dok kol2 ke..t'y are dato' datin,prof madya bagai..mano ado maso..arghh....buntu!!
ahad : ni la hari cuti nan indah dirumah..ponek plak kalau merayau tapi nak jugakkkkkk.....
wat shud i do??
cloth pad again
still searching about cloth pad..mula2 fikir like eyukksss..gross tapi kan same je pegi nya kalau guna dispo pad kan?u still kena washed it cleaned it and last throw away.the different dengan cloth pad u washed it clean it dry it and use it again..hahaha..simpel..tapikan rege cloth pad ni bukan sengget due..camno nak buek ni dagho?? hoi..!!dagho plak..mak orang daa..pantyliners?dulu rajin beli carefree..sampai lani ade lagi pantyliner thong tak perabih..last2 buang pasai da expired..pad pun aku dah laam tak beli pasal full breastfeed so, tak pe'od ikut bulan.just last month suddenly period..all of sudden..gelabah aku beli'od time admitted sebab demam 39.9c..time tu la pe'od nye..aku pun memang tak buat stok pad pasal memang unexpected..haritu kat class ade la membe sorang promote pad herba..aku macam berminat nak la orang kata bagus.tapi nasib tak beli.tibe2 dengar plak cloth pad.langsung aku minta..hehe..dah order tapi tunggu sampai ke pintu rumah..ala,brand malaysia je.mane mampu nak beli yang mahal2..kot2 murah rezeki lepas ni..ceq jadi jutawan kaya ke hape..memang aku borong segala menda..dari A-Z.. lalalala~nyanyi menunggu biar la jadi kenyataan..
cloth pad..
cloth pad..
here i come
wish u more cheaper..hehe
so,ladies and mommies jom pakai cloth pads..daddies and guys pun boleh jugak tapi bukan la daddies and guys yang pakai.beli untuk wifes ke,gilrfren ke,adik beradik ke and untuk ibu ke..baru hot~~!come save our earth..cukup2 lah buang sampah kat muka bumi ni.kesian anak2 kita..udara makin kotor,pemanasan global lagi..bumi makin nipis..walaupun kita tak tau apa akan terjadi dengan dunia ni tapi baiklah kita membantu walau serba sedikit pun..
p/s: kalau boleh beli handbeg coach ke ,perfume blvgari ke make up estee ke barang branded yang lain..takkan la cloth pad ni tak boleh beli.jkom kumpul duit sama2 and kumpul collection cloth pad..
sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit..
dah jadi bukit jadi plak gunung..hehe
sikit2 lama2 jadi bukit..
dah jadi bukit jadi plak gunung..hehe
Sunday, May 2, 2010
what is soapnut..recently i'm obses..opss..not obses..juat trying out to save our environment our planet.. our earth..i got the info about soapnut from one of the blog..her post really suprised me.i even didnt know that we have soapnut that can be used as cleaner,detergent,shampoo and many i' searching and googleing bout soapnut..come mommies and daddies and everybody do save our earth..
(my detergent just finished..thought off buying this friday..suddenly found out bout soapnut and now changing my mind..hehe)
The Soapnut trees are extremely beneficial to humanity, the earth, Mother Nature and our total environment.
There are trees in south Asian countries called Soapnut trees on which natural soap grows. Yes it is true and believable you can see natural soap on the trees in south Asian countries. Soapnut trees grow 13 to 18 meters high. People of Asian countries refer to the fruit of these trees as Reetha, Areetha, Kala kamodi, Soapnuts andSoapberries. The fruit is harvested from September to February. The Soapnut Tree plant's botanic family includes 2,000 species.
Across the jungles of Asian countries a surprisingly practical tree called "sapindus mukorossi" grows a small fruit surrounded by a firm outer shell, much like a lychee, rambutan or berry. The shell is then dried in the sun, the natural way, without adding/using any chemicals. In fact, the whole process uses no fossil fuels, except in the transportation of the product to the market or to the end user.
It is this outer shell – rich in natural saponins - which act as water surfactants (surface-active substance) – that the native families in south Asian countries have used for centuries to wash their own clothes. They toss 2-3 shells in to a small burlap bag, old (used) sock, or in any other piece of cloth and work it in with their laundry. The Soapnuts, as they are now called, absorb water and release their saponins which circulate as a natural surfactant in the wash water, reducing the surface tension of the water and freeing dirt, grime and soil from the clothing.
When the clothes are rinsed the Soapnut's saponins are washed downstream where they remain harmless to the environment. No synthetic chemicals, no fragrance chemicals, no foaming agents, nor bleaching agents or other toxins. Just Soapnuts as grown by Mother Nature on the trees!

There are more than 10 different shell types. The picture above shows the best quality, Mukorossi Soapnuts on the far left. In the centre are a lower quality of Soapnut, generally known as South Indian Soapnuts. On the right are smaller, darker shells that come from Burma (Myanmar). Less than 50% are good quality Soapnuts. It is common practice for certain suppliers to mix Soapnuts of different quality in order to save on costs! This is why a few suppliers offer low prices for (what they claim to be ) sapindus mukorrosi, but they have in fact mixed other lower quality shells and cheaper soapnut shells with sapindus mukorossi (Himalayan Soapnuts).
Now this is not only going to cost you money, but how are you going to get any consistency when one bag of shells could be much weaker than another? You may use more than necessary or, somewhat tragically, decide that the product, whilst highly interesting, does not guarantee the sort of consistent performance that you rightly expect.This may result in you losing money and not achieving the result you expected. To avoid such disappointment, be sure that you always purchase Soapnut shells that are 100% pure sapindus mukorossi .
The difference: As already mentioned, The two kinds of Soapnuts: sapindus mukorossi and sapindus trifoliatus have different characteristics. Himalayan Soapnuts, sapindus mukorossi, are soft, a little bit sticky and wet naturally. While Sapindus Trifoliatus are hard, much drier and smaller in size. The Himalayan Soapnuts, sapindus mukorossi, are normally used for washing and cleaning due to their high quantity of saponin, whilst sapindus trifoliatus are used for medicinal and herbal purposes. Also, there are two kinds of sapindus mukorossi found in India or south Asian countries: One of them grows on the Himalayan range and the other one grows away from the Himalayan range. They are very similar, if not the same, in their physical appearance (color and size), but with a little difference; Himalayan sapindus mukorossi are softer, more sticky and wetter than the other type of sapindus mukorossi. There are a few pictures of experiments made of both kinds of sapindus mukorossi. We can see clear differences between these two.
The process by which Soapnuts clean your clothes is naturally quite simple. The Soapnut shells contain natural saponin (natures own 100% natural detergent) that works as a surfactant, making the water "wetter" and allowing it to penetrate the fibers of your clothing, working away the dirt, keeping it in suspension in the water until it’s drained away, taking the dirt with it. Soapnut shells are natural, organic and environmentally friendly. They are a natural alternative to all kinds of detergents, soaps, cleaners and shampoos and are ideal as a chemical free natural detergent in washing machines.
Use as a liquid soap to wash your pets: 
Jewellery cleaning:
Pesticides:
Mosquitoes repellent:
nut shells in the bag/sock (4 to 6 for soft water / 6 to 8 for hard water). Pull the string tight an
d tie it off. Then place the bag on top of your washing in the machine, with your clothes– that is it! Each "set" of shells should be good for up to 4 wash cycles. (Dependent upon wash temperature and quality of shells.) Change the shells after 3 to 5 washes and use the old (used) shells to make liquid (see below). For other cleaning purposes. You should be able to see in the below pics that fresh shells have a shiny inner surface. As if they were made from solid satin varnish! Or tasty toffee - so keep children away from them. This progressively changes to a mat beige as the saponin is released and the outer surface gets darker. Note that this is only really obvious when the shells have dried. You will find that they work better if multiple washes are done the same day. If not, it's best to keep the used nuts in the bag, in a small bottle, part filled with water.

(my detergent just finished..thought off buying this friday..suddenly found out bout soapnut and now changing my mind..hehe)
The Soapnut trees are extremely beneficial to humanity, the earth, Mother Nature and our total environment.
The SoapNut Tree!

Across the jungles of Asian countries a surprisingly practical tree called "sapindus mukorossi" grows a small fruit surrounded by a firm outer shell, much like a lychee, rambutan or berry. The shell is then dried in the sun, the natural way, without adding/using any chemicals. In fact, the whole process uses no fossil fuels, except in the transportation of the product to the market or to the end user.

When the clothes are rinsed the Soapnut's saponins are washed downstream where they remain harmless to the environment. No synthetic chemicals, no fragrance chemicals, no foaming agents, nor bleaching agents or other toxins. Just Soapnuts as grown by Mother Nature on the trees!
Soapnut trees have grown naturally, in the forest and hill track areas (particularly in the Himal
ayan range) for centuries. The Soapnut is used as a natural soap, detergent, wash bar and cleaner for all kinds of dirt removal. The Soapnut shells have also been used for cleaning gold and silver ornaments for centuries in the south and central Asian countries. Women throughout the entire world, especially i n south Asian countries, have used Soapnuts as a natural shampoo for their hair for thousands of years as it helps to make hair strong, healthy, long and silky. Soapnuts are particularly effective in treating dandruff, headlice and many other diseases of the hair and scalp. Once planted, it takes nine years for the Soapnut tree to begin yielding fruit. After the ninth year the Soapnut trees can be harvested for a period of ninety years. Thus the Soapnut tree’s life cycle is extremely long, allowing a natural and sustainable cultivation. In addition to this, the Soapnut tree contributes to combating the greenhouse effect by converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. The more trees we allow to remain growing in the earth, the better for our earth, atmosphere and ourselves.

The use
d shells of the Soapnuts are 100% biodegradable, so they reduce the amount of landfill as you just add them to your compost heap and they will turn into a natural fertilizer for your garden and plants to enjoy.

Kinds of SoapNuts:
There are two major kinds of Soapnuts which are mostly used in washing, bathing, cleaning and shampoo found in south Asian countries. The big Soapnuts known as Sapindus Mukorossi and the small Soapnuts, known as Sapindus Trifoliatus. The Sapindus Trifoliatus Soapnuts are often mistaken for Sapindus Mukorossi. A picture is given here where you can see the difference between the two kinds of Soapnuts.The name sapindus speaks for itself in revealing the main characteristic of Soapnuts. It contains saponins which have the ability to clean and wash. The fruit of the soapnut tree produces saponins in order to repel varmints, fungus and bacteria. Approximately 15% of the Soapnut’s shell consists of highly concentrated saponins (= 10% of the whole soapnut). The seed/stone of the Soapnuts do not contain saponins, so they are removed from the shells in order to get the best results in washing and cleaning. Experiments have shown that saponin has excellent cleaning capabilities. It removes dirt of all sorts from cloth, glass, floors, gold, windows and other surfaces. It is not only highly effective, but also gentle and Eco-friendly. Due to its mildness, the colors and structure of valuable cloth is preserved much longer when washed with Soapnuts than when using normal detergent or soaps of any brand.
Be aware about quality!
Now this is not only going to cost you money, but how are you going to get any consistency when one bag of shells could be much weaker than another? You may use more than necessary or, somewhat tragically, decide that the product, whilst highly interesting, does not guarantee the sort of consistent performance that you rightly expect.This may result in you losing money and not achieving the result you expected. To avoid such disappointment, be sure that you always purchase Soapnut shells that are 100% pure sapindus mukorossi .
The difference: As already mentioned, The two kinds of Soapnuts: sapindus mukorossi and sapindus trifoliatus have different characteristics. Himalayan Soapnuts, sapindus mukorossi, are soft, a little bit sticky and wet naturally. While Sapindus Trifoliatus are hard, much drier and smaller in size. The Himalayan Soapnuts, sapindus mukorossi, are normally used for washing and cleaning due to their high quantity of saponin, whilst sapindus trifoliatus are used for medicinal and herbal purposes. Also, there are two kinds of sapindus mukorossi found in India or south Asian countries: One of them grows on the Himalayan range and the other one grows away from the Himalayan range. They are very similar, if not the same, in their physical appearance (color and size), but with a little difference; Himalayan sapindus mukorossi are softer, more sticky and wetter than the other type of sapindus mukorossi. There are a few pictures of experiments made of both kinds of sapindus mukorossi. We can see clear differences between these two.
The difference between 2 kinds of shells
The above using some liquid from "Hard" shells
The above using liquid from Himalayan "Soft" shells !!
Below are pictures of bags of shells AFTER one wash.
Stored in a bottle of water ready for the next use.The extra amount of released "soap" is plain to see!

Soft shells Hard shells
How Soapnuts clean your laundry?
Wash the clothes:
Just put 3 to 6 Soapnut shells (4 to 8 half shells)
into an un-bleached cotton bag (provided free with each pack of "Sindhiya Washnuts" ) or in a sock, tie it tightly and pop the bag in the washing machine with your clothes. The number of shells required depends on your wash load and whether you are using hot or cold water. They are sui
table at any temperature, pre-wash or rinse cycles and on delicate fabrics, and can be used for more than one wash (up to 4 or more washes, according to your load. You will get more washes if using cold water. It is advisable to use more shells for a heavily soiled wash load). You don't need to add any other detergent or fabric softener! The smell of the clothes washed with Soapnuts is absolutely natural. However, if you prefer scented laundry, simply sprinkle a few drops of essential oil on the bag of Soapnuts: choose from lavender, rose, orange, lemongrass, eucalyptus or any other favorite essential oil – the variety of fragrances is nearly infinite.

If you are not using the Soapnut shells on the same day, keep them in the bag/sock in a jar of water until you have finished with them (after the fourth wash load), then discard any remains directly into your compost. What’s left is a load of clean clothes and nothing else! That’s the way laundry should be. Much like clean water, clean laundry should not contain toxic chemical residues. In fact, it’s more important to consider what laundry products do NOT contain than to look at what they do contain.
Use as a bathing liquid soap or shampoo for allergic or sensitive skins:
Soapnuts are 100% natural and gentle on the skin, thus an excellent choice for those who have sensitive skin or suffer from neurodermatitis. People who suffer from skin allergies will benefit from using Soapnuts, as clothes which are cleaned with Soapnuts do not irritate the skin. The Soapnuts may be used for bathing instead of normal soaps or medicated soaps, which contain chemicals. To make bathing liquid, put 100 grams of Soapnut shells in a pot with at least 1.5 litres of water. Cover the pot and boil for at least
30 to 40 minutes. The boiling process extracts the saponins from the Soapnut shells and combines them with the water. Let the liquid cool until it is safe to handle, then strain into an appropriate container (glass is best as most plastics leach toxic chemicals into their contents). Now your liquid soap is ready for use and you can use it for bathing as well as shampoo or all cleaning purposes, including your pet’s washing soap or shampoo.

Use as a shampoo:
Soapnut suds are used as shampoo which not only washes your hai
r, but also cares for it, treating dandruff and leaving your hair silky and healthy. People with a sensitive scalp and those who suffer from skin allergies especially benefit from the use of Soapnut suds to wash their hair because it is 100% natural and does not contain any kind of chemical additives. Therefore, it will not irritate the scalp! Soapnut shampoo is the perfect treatment for lice and other kinds of hair diseases. Women of south Asian countries have used this type of natural shampoo since the stone ages. Soapnuts shampoo will make your hair strong, long, silky and healthy. Soapnuts shampoo does not damage your hair or skin and can be used regularly.
Uses of medicinal purposes:
Soapnuts are used medicinally as an expectorant, emetic,
contraceptive and for treatment of excessive salivation, epilepsy, chlorosis and migraines. Studies show that saponin from Soapnuts inhibits tumor cell growth. Soapnuts are among the list of herbs and minerals in Ayurveda. They are a popular ingredient in Ayurvedic shampoos and cleaners. They are used in Ayurvedic medicine as a treatment for eczema, psoriasis and for removing freckles. Soapnuts have gentle insecticidal properties and are traditionally used for removing lice from the scalp. Soapnuts are antimicrobial and are beneficial for septic systems and grey water systems. Soapnuts are used in the remediation of contaminated soil.

Best for cracked heels:

This is proved that soapNuts' liquid is best for "CRACKED HEELS", just make liquid of soapnuts by boiling them and wash your feet 2 or 3 times a day, with in 7 days your could not find cracks on your feet/heel magically. Also soapNuts' liquid help to make soft and nice to your feet and hands if you washed them with soapNuts' liquid regularly! Heel crackers are the big problem some people, especially in winter, they can get easy now with Natural solution by mother Nature!
Wash your dog, cat, horse, rabbit, guinea pig and any pets or working animals with Soapnut liquid suds – and give them the benefit of a healthy coat free from the aggravation of chemicals.
All-purpose cleaning agent:
A liquid soap made by Sindhiya Washnuts may also be used as your floor cleaner, for cleaning the stove and benches in your kitchen, in the bathroom for cleaning your bath and sink and also as a toilet cleaner. It is the best choice of cleaning agent in and around your home because it has the power to fight against germs naturally, without using damaging and harmful chemicals!
Squeeze the juice from half a lemon in your Soapnuts decoction, soak a toothbrush in this liquid and rub your jewelry. In South Asian countries, people have used Soapnuts to clean their Jewels, Precious stones and Gold and Precious ornaments for centuries.
Moisten or water your house plants and garden with the Soapnuts decoction and let them take advantage of the saponine agent to fight against harmful organisms such as aphids. No nasty chemical sprays to damage your plants or poison your food crop. These are just 100% natural pesticide.

Wash or coat exposed parts of your body with the Soapnuts decoction to ward off insects. Mosquitoes are repelled by the smell of saponin and will stay away. To try it is to adopt it! Your beloved children may sleep with a coat of Soapnut liquid that is harmless to their sensitive bodies, allowing you to relax, knowing that they are protected naturally from mosquitoes.
Throw a few soap nut shells in with your automatic dishwasher and watch how
clean they get!!
Soapnuts are successfully used in dish-washers. They do not, however, act as a scrubbing agent.
Bugs do not survive at a temperature of 65°C. Moreover, saponin has a repressive effect on fungal and bacterial growth. Put 3 to 4 soapnuts in the little cotton bag, put this bag inside the dishwasher and let it go to work.
Bugs do not survive at a temperature of 65°C. Moreover, saponin has a repressive effect on fungal and bacterial growth. Put 3 to 4 soapnuts in the little cotton bag, put this bag inside the dishwasher and let it go to work.
Using SoapNuts, you can make your own ultra-pure multipurpose cleaner.
Place some
Here is picture of shells, you may see the result after 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th wash ...

New Shells 1 Wash 2 Washes 3 Washes 4 Wash
P/S : waiting for my cloth pad (CP) soon..cant wait to use 'em..
seharian di....?
pagi-pagi siap kemas rumah..malam semalam dah sidai baju so kurang sket keja..plan nak pegi jusco..ok set!
tapi en.somi tak join pasal nak revision sket(katenye la) padahal aku tau sebok main golf..baik la boss..i dont care.yang penting dapek kua..wakaka..breakfast aku buat nasi goreng kampung n telor mata.untuk anak aku, aku buat mee goreng pening-pening.aku?makan roti and butter..arghhh..sodapp..
tapi en.somi tak join pasal nak revision sket(katenye la) padahal aku tau sebok main golf..baik la boss..i dont care.yang penting dapek kua..wakaka..breakfast aku buat nasi goreng kampung n telor mata.untuk anak aku, aku buat mee goreng pening-pening.aku?makan roti and butter..arghhh..sodapp..
apa pasal muka joyah spot ni?
drive alone to jusco
no secalit make up on me..tadaa..
klua dengan somi aku mesti nak melaram..
make up lain, pakai baju lain , heels lagi
semasa sebok melihat barang..........................tiba tiba...........................~toinkk~
boleh dia buat macam tu kat sebelah patung.
orang lalu lalang tengok..aik??!!
ade patung kecik..lame juga die
buat macam tu..
ni je barang anak aku yang ku beli..
mama kedekut..!!!
my skincare set..tak la mahal macam clinique ke
lancome ke estee..boleh la untuk dibeli dan pakai..
yang bestnyeeee....
dapat payung free..
sape yang tak suka dapat free gift kan.haha
p/s : baru pakai terus je rasa kulit macam berseri..tanya en.hubby
aku : yang,nampak lain tak kulit i?
hubby : hurm..kan baru pakai sehari..u ni..
aku : tapi nape i rasa macam kulit i cantik je lepas pakai ni..
hubby : mental tu..
aku : (muka bengang)
ni apa pasal ada gamba dinosour kocik palk nih ??
lupa toy yang baru dibeli..mahal
(almaklumla gawat ni..)
wat happened??!!
dinosour jadi cacat..
kesian dia cannot move..
did take a video but malas nak upload.
take longer than pixs-xoxo
dinosour jadi cacat..
kesian dia cannot move..
did take a video but malas nak upload.
take longer than pixs-xoxo
before balik tapau for my hubby A& W..bought mozza burger set and for me,i tried wahm wrap..ouch...sgt2 spicy..tak tahan..
dinner just buat grilled beef , teppayaki style vegie and food yang menggemokkkaaaannnnn....(fried drummet!!)
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